Bhubaneswar(Rajyakahani): With the aim of creating awareness among various stakeholders, especially the end-users, about the scope, relevance and subsequent impact ofDecentralizedRenewableEnergypoweredtechnologies, CLEAN organized an Awareness Creation and Demonstration Workshop for Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) Appliances.
CLEAN envisions that focused awareness generation initiatives will help the underservedcommunities get access to clean and reliable energy. It is also expected to have an overarchingpositive impact on other critical facets of their lives, such as their health, education, livelihoodgeneration etc. This will ensure a strong intersection of SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) withSDG3(GoodHealthandWellBeing),SDG4(QualityEducation),SDG(GenderEquality),SDG8(DecentworkandEconomicGrowth)andSDG13(ClimateAction)tonameafew.
This workshop is part of CLEAN’s ongoing pan-India initiative to sensitize stakeholders, especiallypotential end users about various innovative energy-based solutions such as such as Solar Riceprocessing machines, Millet processing machines, Solar freezers, etc., which can impact livelihoodsand bring about a change in their lives.
Speaking about the initiative, Vijay Bhaskar, CLEAN Board Member said, “The energy narrative in India has moved beyond access and is now focusing on supporting rural economic development through a sustainable low carbon model. CLEAN’s initiatives such as this one serves to build greater awareness on the technologies, access to finance and market opportunities for rural businesses” The workshop sensitized keyplayerssuchasFarmer Producer Organizations (FPO’s),Self Help Groups (SHG’s),livestockfarms,agroandfoodprocessingunits aboutinnovativeDREtechnologies,suited totheirvariousneeds. It is anticipated that learning from the workshop would enable local enterprises, working on DRE