Bhubaneswar(Rajyakahani)Comptroller and Auditor General of India inaugurating the new office building for the Principal Accountant General (Audit) stressed the need for a Good working environment to improve efficiency of the organisation. He expressed that construction of office building is not as easy as we may think as identification of land, obtaining permissions/clearances from various organizations and timely completion of the building is an ordeal task. He thanked all the State Government departments and other organisations who were supportive in successfully completing the building though there was delay in completion.

C&AG clearly expressed that the main aim of the organisation is to improve the management of the auditee establishments and to suggest value addition to the performance of the organization in delivery of services.
The nation is looking forward for Sustainable Development Goals to make life better for our future generations. Sequel to this concept, we are proposing Distric Centric Audits to assess the growth in all sectors and recommend to the local self-governments to improve the devolved functions considering the huge quantum of funds transferred by the Central and State Governments. Further, CAG stated that we are in the process of conceptualizing Natural Resources accounting which would improve the accountability of the executives.
Concluding the message, CAG desired that this building should be maintained for its longevity through proper housekeeping and improve its aesthetic image.

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